To find out more about MDT-FIT please visit our YouTube channel!

What is MDT-FIT?

  • MDT-FIT (Feedback for Improving Teamworking) is a developmental tool designed by Green Cross Medical to enable cancer MDTs to self-assess and receive feedback on how their team performs against the standards set out in The Characteristics of an Effective MDT.

  • It was developed with input from over 100 MDTs and designed to be a Team owned process (developmental not judgemental).

  • MDT-FIT is supported by a comprehensive web-based IT platform and consists of a three stage process to be undertaken over an 8-12 week period, with an annual review.

The MDT-FIT process

Why do MDT-FIT?


  • The majority of MDT members interviwed (74%) as part of the on-going evaluation have expressed positive views about MDT-FIT and its capacity to facilitate improvements to team-work (and most have stated that they would use it again.
  • On average teams agree 8 actions for improvement which span all aspects of teamworking (in and outside of MDT meetings) including leadership, teamwork and culture, patient-centred care, clinical-decision making and clinical governance. By 9 months most actions are either implemented (60%) or in the process of being implemented (30%)(based on 20 MDTs from 4 Trust).


  • The average team member completes the self-assessment (17mins), reads the feedback report (30mins) and participates in the facilitated team discussion (60mins).
  • MDT-FIT makes use of existing Trust expertise to support the process and encourage organisational learning.


  • At an organisational level, MDT-FIT provides a useful mechanism for Trusts to support their Teams to review their clinical governance and improve quality standards, and is complementary to the cancer peer review programme.